Point of Interests im Nationalpark Eifel

10 Der alte Baum

In the middle of the 19th century, the headmaster Jost, referred to as “the great teacher”, taught his pupils more than reading, writing and arithmetic.

He also taught them grafting and tree planting. Along the Wolfsgasse lane (now a street) he and the school children planted a row of ash trees, a type of tree which can reach a great age. The purpose of this initiative was to provide a windbreak as protection from the northwest wind.

The “Ancient Tree” is the last survivor of this initiative. Over the years, the other trees all had to give way to road construction measures. However, no matter whether this tree was too close to the route or even in the way, its continued existence has never been called into question.

From here it is approximately 300 m to the red deer observation gallery, which offers a magnificent panoramic view of the Dreiborn plateau. With a little luck, from there one can observe the red deer in the Eifel National Park.

10 Der alte Baum
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