Point of Interests im Nationalpark Eifel

31 Tempelchen

Little Temple

Traditional military societies, like the County Veterans Association, had endeavoured since 1910 to set up a memorial to the fallen of the national unification wars of 1864, 1866, and 1870-71.

The primary intention behind this movement was not to commemorate the victims, but much more to establish a site of contemporaneous hero-admiration, with clearly militaristic and nationalistic undertones. Such warrior memorials were to be seen everywhere at that time.

These stone anthems to heroic death were planned as small classical-style temples, after the designs of government architect Ernst Stahl. The outward shape of these led to the common description “LittleTemples”.

Building began here in 1914 but the final dedication did not take place until 16th August 1931. After extensive renovation in 2011-12, it can be reached by steps, and serves as a viewpoint over the town and the Olef and Dieffenbach valleys.


31 Tempelchen
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